PhD in Marine Sciences (PhD in Biological Oceanography) from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC) since 2014. She has two master’s degrees in Oceanography and another in Management of Fisheries Resources by the ULPGC. She has a long experience in biological oceanography, coupling physical, chemical and biological variables. From May 2014 to December 2017 She worked in different oceanographic centres of the Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO), Malaga, Cadiz and Canary Islands (Tenerife Island). During 2018-2019 she worked as Postdoc researcher at IU-ECOAQUA, ULPGC in the MarSP project (Macaronesian Maritime Spatial Planning). Nowadays, She is a Postdoc researcher in the MISTIC SEAS III project, by ARDITI and University of Madeira.
Throughout her research, she has successfully developed her skills in biological oceanography, especially in the field of zooplankton ecophysiology. She has experience in studying taxonomy, feeding, growth and respiration rates of zooplankton communities in polar, tropical, subtropical and estuarine regions, hypoxic conditions, upwelling, volcano areas and coastal and oceanic areas. Furthermore, she has also routinely used several biochemical methods (aminoacyl t-RNA synthetases (AARS) activity, electron transfer system (ETS) activity, protein content and gut fluorescence (GF), among others) to determine growth, respiration, biomass and grazing rates of zooplankton and ichthyoplankton. Moreover, she is familiar with stable isotopes, lipids, carbohydrate, ZooImage, PCR interpretation, optical microscopes, RNA:DNA analysis, otolith extraction, ammonium quantification techniques and statistical analysis.