Field equipment
in situsampling
SCUBA equipment
- personal SCUBA equipment, ABC, wet suit, regulator, BC, dive computer, personal dive sonar
- compressor for tank filling (110 l/min, Bauer Utilus 10B)
- 3 x 10 l tank, steel
- 2 x 12 l tank, steel
- 1 x 4 l tank, steel
field data logger
- 6 x temperature (U22-001, Onset HOBO)
- 1 x temperature + light (UA-002-64, Onset HOBO)
- 4 x temperature + light (MX2202, Onset HOBO)
- 2 x conductivity/salinity (U24-002-C, Onset HOBO)
- 1 x pH (MX2501, Onset HOBO)
- 2 x water level (U20L-01 (0-9 m); U20L-02 (0-31 m), Onset HOBO)
- 5 x cosine PAR (Odissey)
CTD with fluorescence, turbidity and PAR sensors
- SBE 19plus V2 SeaCAT Profiler CTD (max. 600 m) incl. lowering frame (Seabird)
- Cyclops-7F™ fluorescence sensor (Turner Designs)
- Turbidity Meter (Seapoint)
- PAR sensor, QCP-2300 cosine detector (Biospherical Instruments Inc.)

water sample bottles
- 2 x Niskin water samplers, 2.5 L with messenger (General Oceanics)
- 1 x Niskin water sampler, 5 L with messenger (Hydro-Bios)
- hand winch with 150 m, 2.5 mm stainless steel rope (Hydro-Bios)
Plankton sampling
Plankton nets
- Apstein type plankton net, 20 µm (diam. aperture 0.25 m, length 0.5 m, Hydro-Bios)
- Apstein type plankton nets with cone, 20, 55 µm (diam. aperture 0.17m, length 1 m, Hydro-Bios)
- Apstein type plankton nets, 100, 335, 500, 1000 µm (diam. aperture 0.4 m, length 1 m Hydro-Bios)
flow meter
- digital, mechanical flow meter with back-run stop, model 438115 (Hydro-Bios)
- digital, mechanical flow meter with standard rotor, 2030R (General Oceanics)
- digital, mechanical flow meter, low velocity, 2030R6 (General Oceanics)
Laboratory equipment
General lab. equipment
Water purification system
- Elix® Advantage 3 for type 2 pure water (Merck-Millipore)
- (PB-11 + PY-P11, Sartorius)
magnetic stirrer
- 2 x Variomag monotherm
- 0-2100 g, 0.1 g (GE2101, Sartorius)
- 0-610 g, 0.01 g (BA 610, Sartorius)
- 0-210 g, high precision, 0.01 mg (RC 210D, Sartorius)
drying oven
- 25-300°C (Carbolite)
muffle furnace
- 25-1100°C (Nabertherm)
general lab fridge incl. freezer compartment (Becken)
general lab freezer, horizontal (Whirpool)
lab glassware dishwasher (Whirpool)
access to Ultrafreezer, -80°C
filtration equipment
filtration device
- 2 x filtration devices with 2 x 5 positions for 47 mm diam. inline filter holder (custom build)
- 2 x filtration devices with 2 x 6 positions for 25 mm diam. inline filter holder (custom build)
- 4 x plywood stands for compact jerrycans (custom build)
- 20 x compact jerrycan, 5 l with spigot (Bürkle)

vacuum pumps
- 2 x vacuum pumps (N035AT.18, KNF)
- 1x vacuum pump
- 1x vacuum pump (KNF)
vacuum bottles
- 4 x 20 L heavy-duty vacuum bottles (Nalgene)
Dissolved nutrients analysis (DIN, DIP, SiO2)
Access to: Continous segmented flow analyser (QuAAtro 39, Seal Analytical) (owned by: OOM)
- 4 channel (Nitrate + nitrite, phosphate, nitrite, silicate), micro flow hydraulics, high resolution digital photometer
- Autosampler
- Syringe Diluter

- monocanal micropipettes: 5-40 µl, 40-200 µl, 200-1000 µl, 1-5 ml, 1-10 ml (Finnpipette)
- repetitive micropipettes: various volumes acc. to pipette tip volumes (HandyStep, Brand)
peristaltic pumps for nitrate to nitrite reduction
- Dinko D-25V
- Masterflex L/S Compact Dual-Channel Pump
UV/VIS spectrophotometer
- UVmini-1240, Shimadzu

Laboratory Fluorometer
- Trilogy (Turner Designs) with absorbance modules for
- nitrate,
- phosphate,
- silicate

Phytopigment analysis
system for filter homogenization and pigment extraction and analysis
- Mini-Beadbeater-1 (Biospec Products)
- centrifuge (MiniSpin, 2 ml tubes, 13400 rpm, Eppendorf)
- access to: UHPLC system (Nexera 2, Shimadzu)
Laboratory Fluorometer
- Trilogy (Turner Designs) with fluorescence modules for
- Chlorophyll in vivo,
- Chlorophyll a Extracted – Acidification,
- Chlorophyll a Extracted – Non-Acidification

Flow cytometer for characterisation and enumeration of prokaryotic and eukaryotic picoplankton
- CytoFLEX, equipped with blue (4 active fluorescence channels) and red laser (2 active fluorescence channels) (Beckman Coulter)

light microscope for observation of coccolithophores, auto- and heterotrophic nanoflagellates
- compound microscope with brightfield, DIC, cross-polarized light and epifluorescence with digital imaging system (DM2700 P, Leica)

Inverted microscope
- inverted microscope for cell isolation, identification and enumeration with brightfield and phase contrast, compact digital imaging for documentation (TMS-F, NIKON)
- inverted microscope for cell isolation, identification and enumeration with brightfield, darkfield, phase contrast, DIC and epifluorescence, digital imaging system for documentation (DMi8. Leica)

Compound microscope
- compound microscope for general examination and enumeration with brightfield, compact digital imaging for documentation (AxioStar Plus, ZEISS)
compound counting chambers
- Plankton sedimentation and counting chamber acc. to Utermöhl (2 x 100 ml, 6 x 50 ml, 2 x 10 ml settling cylinders, 6 x plate settling chamber, Hydro-Bios)
- 6 x counting slide acc. Sedgewick-Rafter
Sample preparation
- Folsom plankton splitter (Wildco)
dissecting microscope
- dissecting microscope with compact digital imaging (Stemi DV4, Zeiss)
- dissecting microscope (Wild)
- dissecting microscope (Leica)
cell cultivation
- PAR scalar irradiance sensor (QSL-2100, Biospherical Instruments)
- 2 x temperature controlled incubator (143 l vol.) (INCU-Line 150R PREMIUM, VWR®) with controlled LED lighting system
- 2 x temperature controlled incubator (245 l vol.) (INCU-Line 250R PREMIUM, VWR®) with controlled LED lighting system